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FAQ About Car Accidents

Answers you can trust from an experienced lawyer in Colorado Springs

Finding accurate information about car accidents and the legal options available to injury victims can be challenging. Many people and companies often have a lot of advice about what to do, but it’s important to get the right information, especially if your accident was clearly caused by another driver.

In such cases, you may be eligible for financial compensation for your accident expenses. That’s why it’s critical that you have a place where you can find answers to your questions from a source you can trust.

Injury victims routinely rely on The Longo Firm, LLC when it matters most. Founding attorney Stephen A. Longo has years of experience dealing with complex cases. As a result, he has an in-depth understanding of how the legal system works. You can count on him in a crisis.

What is your car accident question?

Below, you can find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about car accidents. If you don’t see your specific question listed below, don’t worry. We can meet with you and answer any questions you might have about your potential legal case. We also encourage you to contact us even if you do see your question listed below. That’s because every accident often has its own unique challenges. Schedule a free case evaluation today at our law firm. We handle car accident cases throughout Colorado and Arizona.

Why do car accidents happen?

Accidents caused by other drivers often occur because the other driver was behaving in a reckless or negligent manner. Sometimes, that involves speeding or driving aggressively. Other times, drivers may be distracted or texting while driving. Whatever the cause of your car accident, it’s important to understand why your accident happened. That’s why it’s important to have a lawyer investigating your accident. That way, your accident claim can be stronger and you can have a better opportunity to obtain the money you deserve for your accident-related expenses.

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Who investigates car accidents?

Several people and companies often investigate why your accident happened. The local or state police officer that responded to your accident is often the first one to investigate your crash. The investigating police officer will then fill out an official accident report. That report is then often used by insurance companies as part of their investigation. Along with insurance companies, you should have your own lawyer conducting an independent investigation as well. That way, you can make sure the facts about your case are properly presented in support of your injury claim.

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Who determines who was at fault?

Many states, including Colorado and Arizona, have a fault-based insurance system. That means the at-fault party is responsible for compensating injury victims for their accident-related expenses. This is important since insurance companies are often the ones that determine who was at fault after an accident. However, it’s important to keep in mind that insurance companies often have a financial interest in who is at fault. That’s because they may be responsible for paying for everyone’s accident expenses if their policyholder is found to be at fault.

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What evidence do investigators use to determine who was at fault?

Investigators, especially ones working for insurance companies, often use a wide range of evidence when determining who was at fault for causing an accident. The official police report for your accident often serves as an important piece of evidence. Insurance investigators also often visit the crash site in search of clues. Another important part of an investigation involves reviewing or gathering statements from yourself, the other driver, any passengers or witnesses.

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What should I do if the other driver’s insurance company contacts me?

Don’t be surprised if the at-fault driver’s insurance company contacts you soon after your accident. Their questions might seem straightforward and simple, but they’re probably searching for information they can use to reduce or deny your claim. That’s why you should not talk to the other driver’s insurance company if they contact you after your accident. In fact, you do not legally have to talk to them, no matter what they say. If they want more information about your accident, simply tell them to talk to your lawyer.

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Should I accept a settlement offer?

Insurance companies often make a settlement offer to injury victims soon after an accident. An offer can seem tempting, especially if you already have a lot of bills for medical care, vehicle repairs and other accident-related expenses. Many initial settlement offers often fall far short of covering all your accident expenses. If you agree to accept an offer, you often cannot ask for more money in the future, even if your accident expenses increase dramatically. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider any settlement offer before you agree to accept it.

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Can I ask for more money?

Just because an insurance company makes a lowball settlement offer does not mean you have to accept it. You have the right to ask for more money for your accident. Insurance companies might give you a hard time and insist their first offer is their best offer, but many insurance companies are willing to negotiate. You often simply need an experienced lawyer who knows how to negotiate effectively and who can demand the money you rightfully deserve.

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How much is my accident claim worth?

There’s no set dollar amount when it comes to car accident claims. Similar accidents might be worth significantly more depending on a wide range of factors, including the severity of someone’s injury and the length of their recovery. The bottom line is injury victims should be financially compensated for all their accident-related expenses. As a result, your claim could be worth thousands of dollars or perhaps significantly more. The best way to know the true value of your claim is to talk with a lawyer with experience obtaining sizable settlements and verdicts for injury victims. Case results matter.

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Who can I sue after my accident?

Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit against several different people or parties in order to obtain the compensation you deserve for your accident. Specifically, you can take legal action against at the at-fault party, which is often the at-fault driver. In the case of a drunk driving accident, you may also be able to take legal action against the bar, restaurant or liquor store that sold alcohol to the driver if they were already intoxicated at the time. These are just some of the possibilities you might have for taking legal action. An attorney can help you explore all of them.

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How much time do I have to file a lawsuit?

Many states have a deadline for filing a lawsuit or taking other legal action after a motor vehicle accident. These deadlines are known as statute of limitations. In Colorado, for example, you only have three years from the date of your car accident to file a lawsuit seeking damages, the legal term for financial compensation. If you miss this deadline, you often cannot take legal action later, meaning you might not be able to get the money you deserve for your accident expenses. This is why it’s important to talk to a lawyer right away to learn more about the legal options available to you.

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How can a lawyer help me after my accident?

Car accident claims often present many different legal challenges. When you have an experienced attorney on your side, you can deal with them in an effective legal manner. Your lawyer can also make sure your case receives the attention it rightfully deserves. Many times, insurance companies will try to downplay the seriousness of your injuries. They do this because they’re hoping they can pay you as little as possible. When you have an aggressive attorney on your side after your accident, you can demand the money you rightfully deserve. You can dictate what happens next. You are in charge.

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